Key staff members
We have a dedicated team of 30 highly qualified staff. Key staff members are listed below:
All members of staff should be contacted via the School Office. Please also see our Who to Contact & Complaints Procedure on our policies page for further details about contacting the school.
British School Salalah works in partnership with British School Muscat whose Principal and Chair of Governors support the overall leadership of the school.
In line with the School’s Royal Charter, responsibility for the governance of the School resides with the Board of Governors. At a local level, the Board is composed of representatives of the Salalah business community and parent community. At a national level, it is presided over by the British School Muscat Chairman.
The Board's primary focus is the strategic oversight of the School; daily management is delegated to the Head of School.
The BSS Board is made up of a Lead Governor, Governor and a Parent Governor who is elected by parents. In addition, BSS shares a Safeguarding Governor with BSM. The Principal, Head of School and Bursar attend all Board meetings. At each Annual General Meeting, representatives are elected or appointed to fill any vacancies on the Board itself or on any of its sub-committees.